House debates

Monday, 30 May 2011


McNicol, Mr Greg

Debate resumed on the motion:

That this House:

(1)    expresses:

(a) its condolences to the family of Australian citizen Mr Greg McNicol who was shot while helping to transform a run-down apartment block into a family building in Detroit;

(b) its gratitude to the City and Police Department of Detroit for the speed with which they have apprehended the alleged killer, and urge that the investigation is continued until such time as police are certain that no other parties were complicit; and

(c) our great respect for the people of America and in particular those engaged in the great renaissance of Detroit; and

(2)    respectfully call on the Mayor and City of Detroit to create a public park in the vacant land adjacent to where Mr McNicol was both working and lost his life, with an appropriate recognition of Mr McNicol's vision for a better local community.


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