House debates

Monday, 23 May 2011

Private Members' Business

Indexation of Military Pensions

Debate resumed on motion by Mr Robert:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) military service is unique and comes with inherent risks not applicable to other public service jobs;

(b) Australia's service personnel, past and present, after giving so much to their nation, deserve to live out their lives in the knowledge that they have financial security; and

(c) approximately 56,000 retired military personnel who are members of the Defence Force Retirement and Deaths Benefits (DFRDB) scheme and the Defence Forces Retirement Benefits (DFRB) scheme have their military pensions indexed only to movements in the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and

(2) calls on all Members to support the:

(a) concept of the unique nature of military service; and

(b) Coalition's policy to index the military pensions to members of the DFRDB and DFRB schemes who are aged 55 and over, to the higher movements in the CPI, Male Total Average Weekly Earnings or the Pensioner Beneficiary Living Cost Index.


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