House debates

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2010-2011; Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2010-2011

Second Reading

Debate resumed from 28 February, on motion by Mr Gray:

That this bill be now read a second time.

upon which Mr Pyne moved by way of amendment:

That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:“whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House call on the Government to bring forward its timetable for resolving the inequity it has created in independent youth allowance payments for inner regional students, and in particular ensure that:

the review is completed by 1 July 2011;
the current eligibility criteria for independent youth allowance for persons whose homes are located in Outer Regional Australia, Remote Australia and Very Remote Australia according to the Remoteness Structure defined in  subsection 1067A(10F) of the Social Security Act 1991 also apply to those with homes in Inner Regional Australia from 1 July 2011;
all students who had a gap year in 2010 (ie, 2009 year 12 school-leavers) and who meet the relevant criteria qualify for the payment; and
this bill be appropriated with the necessary funds to pay for this measure.


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