House debates

Monday, 15 March 2010

Private Members’ Business

Queensland Teachers

Debate resumed, on motion by Mr Lindsay:

That the House:

recognises that Queensland teachers are dedicated educators who do their very best with limited resources and facilities provided by Education Queensland;
notes that the Queensland Minister for Education appears to be ignoring the concerns of teachers and parents in relation to staffing numbers and still uses 100 year old buildings with facilities to match;
worries about the impact on students of classroom overcrowding, third world facilities, the ever increasing workload on our teachers, schools having to employ prisoners as groundsmen and the staff model used to allocate teaching positions to schools;
condemns the Queensland Government over its continuing education budget cuts and apparent inaction over teacher concerns in relation to taking on the additional roles of parent, social worker, policeman, cleaner and information technology technician;
questions if the Queensland Government can be serious about education noting its continuing comparison of private/public schools which have different teacher-to-student, budget-to-student and computer-to-student ratios; and
calls on the Queensland Education Minister to listen to teachers and accept their advice and counsel.


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