House debates

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Constituency Statements


9:45 am

Photo of Jill HallJill Hall (Shortland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I wish to table a report completed by the Parliamentary Friends of Epilepsy following an informal inquiry into the impact of epilepsy in Australia. On 30 November 2009 we held an informal inquiry in Canberra, and at that inquiry we took evidence from a wide range of epilepsy support groups, doctors and people that have epilepsy. We had a roundtable discussion in the afternoon, and that was a fantastic experience. I think all the members of parliament that attended learned firsthand what impact epilepsy has on the lives of those people who either have epilepsy or are carers of people with epilepsy.

I would like to acknowledge the fine work of my staff member Mark Raper, who put a lot of effort into putting together the submissions and helping with the organisation, and Pat Davies from Gary Humphries’s office, who also put in a lot of work. Today in the chamber we have Jacinta Cummins from JECA, who was also a great asset to those of us that were involved in the hearings. We had more than 360 submissions and I have received quite a few since the day of the hearing; I think the total number is closer to 400 than 360.

The committee made some very good recommendations. These recommendations will be given to the Minister for Health and Ageing and to the Parliamentary Secretary for Health. The recommendations range from the need for comprehensive education and awareness to educating government departments, the need for positive employment initiatives and looking at issues surrounding travel. One that I support quite strongly is a national health survey to provide accurate information on the data concerning the incidence and treatment of epilepsy. There are also recommendations on greater research, better training for doctors and support for carers. We touched on transport issues and a greater effort to demystify what epilepsy is and how it should be treated.

I recommend the report to the House and I thank everybody that was involved, including my parliamentary colleagues Senator Humphries, Damian Hale and Mark Coulton. I seek leave to table the report. (Time expired)

Leave granted.


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