House debates

Monday, 8 February 2010

Private Members’ Business

Kimberley: Heritage Listing

Debate resumed, on motion by Mr Haase:

That the House:

recognises that:
the proposal to heritage list 17 million hectares of the Kimberley will deter mining companies from investing in the region, further disadvantage all local communities and seriously damage the future of mining in Australia;
those involved in mineral exploration and mining projects, particularly in Western Australia, are subject to an already burdensome approvals process;
adding more red tape by applying National Heritage status to such a vast area would be the breaking point for many companies who would consider moving their investments to other locations;
an ill defined approach suggests a lack of research and understanding of heritage listings; and
the indiscriminate listing fails to recognise the contributions that others such as miners and pastoralists make to the economic viability and heritage of regional areas;
ensures that the Government commits to meaningful consultation across a broad section of the community; and
the blanket listing of this vast area of the Kimberley; and
the additional restrictions placed on pastoralists and miners.


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