House debates

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Questions to the Speaker

Right of Reply

Photo of Harry JenkinsHarry Jenkins (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

Order! The member really does himself a great disservice when he adds the sort of rider that he added to what possibly could be conceived as a genuine point that he is making to me, and that is regrettable. I will look at the resolution that he has referred to me to see if there is any obligation for me to take any action, or whether by raising this he has at least on the public record indicated it to the person he thinks may or may not have been aggrieved. But I do caution him to not ruin things that are positive by the types of additional remarks that he makes.

On advice, I confirm to the member for O’Connor that the motion that he raised did of course give a right-of-reply procedure, but it is up to the aggrieved party to take action under the motion.


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