House debates

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Questions without Notice

Building the Education Revolution Program

2:54 pm

Photo of Julia GillardJulia Gillard (Lalor, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

Mr Speaker, it just goes to prove how smart Tasmanians are. On the question of the Australian newspaper I know that the shadow minister does not like to be revealed as a dud and a dissimulator, but this is what the Australian newspaper had to say today:

… a criticism by Mr Pyne about up to $300,000 being granted to a Victorian primary school with only five students backfired after it emerged the school had not sought most of the funding.

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Yesterday, the school’s principal … denied it had sought the funding.

Of course, the shadow minister, who does no work and has no policy, was not the only one making false claims yesterday. We had the member for Macarthur making a claim about Douglas Park Primary School. He made a claim that there was a quote for $285,000 for a new library. Of course, that too is completely untrue. There was never an official quote for $285,000 for a new library—claim not true.

But, whilst they are in here as a rabble with their false claims about Building the Education Revolution, there are some people who cannot wait to get back home and associate themselves with this project. My attention has been drawn to a very extensive multipage brochure called From Andrew to you. From Andrew to you actually takes us in the beginning—with the youth shots and all the rest of it—right back in time to when there was only black-and-white film, apparently—right back then.


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