House debates

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Private Members’ Business

Defence Procurement

Debate resumed, on motion by Mr Baldwin:

That the House:

notes that:
in February 2009, the Rudd Labor government awarded a $40 million dollar contract to an American company for the development of nine joint light tactical vehicle prototypes; and
the Rudd Labor government failed to consider an Australian defence industry manufacturer as a possible supplier;
condemns the Rudd Labor government for failing to recognise Australian defence industry’s capability and expertise in delivering military vehicles;
acknowledges that the contract for 1,300 vehicles will be in excess of $1.3 billion and would support over 250 direct jobs and hundreds more indirect jobs in Australia;
acknowledges the economic and social contribution to the Bendigo community of the successful Bushmaster project; and
calls on the Rudd Labor government to immediately provide funding to the Bushmaster plant at Bendigo to enable it to progress Australian designed and built prototypes for consideration in the replacement program.


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