House debates

Monday, 22 June 2009

Questions without Notice

Business of the House

3:21 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the House) Share this | Hansard source

I certainly thank the member for Lowe for his question. Of course, the government do have a big legislative agenda, because we have got a big vision for this nation. We have got a vision which is about dealing with the global economic crisis. We have got a vision which is about returning fairness to the workplace. We have got a vision which is about taking action to avoid dangerous climate change. Day after day, we come into this House and we put forward our vision through our legislative program. Indeed, this morning we had a series of bills to be introduced to this House. One of those was what has become known as the alcopops legislation. It was here, ready to be introduced by the Minister for Health, but of course that was not possible, because, as usual, the opposition are not actually interested in a policy agenda.

They tried a scare campaign over the economy, a campaign of fear about debt and deficit, a campaign of fear about the CPRS. Their strategy—or tactics, because they do not really have any strategy—changed on 3 June, when the national accounts revealed that the government’s economic strategy had prevented Australia from going into a technical recession. So, from that point on, it all changed. They avoided questions on the economy, they avoided debate on the big issues facing the nation, and still they decided to go the low road: the low road of smear against the Prime Minister and against the Treasurer. Ever since that day, 4 June, they have been running around the gallery and running around talking to anyone who will listen, saying that they have a smoking gun, saying that there is an email that proves that the Prime Minister and the Treasurer misled this parliament.


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