House debates

Monday, 23 February 2009

Private Members’ Business

World Diabetes Day

Debate resumed, on motion by Mrs Moylan:

That the House:

notes that:
on 20 December 2006 a landmark decision was made by the United Nations General Assembly to adopt Resolution 61/225;
the Resolution recognised the risks that diabetes and its complications pose to families, Member States and world health and was adopted by consensus;
the Resolution declared 14 November as World Diabetes Day;
this resolution joins HIV/Aids and Autism as the only diseases having their own resolutions and declared days of observation;
an estimated 246 million people worldwide, in the age range from 20 to 79 years, have diabetes and this number is expected to grow by 44 per cent, reaching 380 million by 2025;
each year 3.8 million adults die from diabetes related illnesses, representing one death every 10 seconds;
an estimated 7.4 per cent of the Australian population has diabetes according to an AusDiab study in 2000; and
according to an AusDiab study, in 2002 the social and medical costs of diabetes in Australia were estimated to total $6 billion annually;
acknowledges the work of Professor Martin Silink AM MD FRACP, as President of the International Diabetes Federation and his colleagues world-wide for their work to ensure that this United Resolution was carried;
recognises that:
in the catalogue of chronic illness, few conditions would be more needful of attention than the scourge of diabetes;
the prevention and management of diabetes are the responsibility of the whole of society;
parliaments should play a leading role in promoting community education and implementing effective policies and health-care for sufferers of this world-wide scourge;
left undiagnosed and untreated, diabetes dramatically affects quality of life and shortens life span and its malevolent course inevitably leads to many serious associated health complications including heart disease, stroke, renal failure, limb amputation and blindness; and
unless national governments act to deliver comprehensive policies, the implications for health budgets will be calamitous; and
calls on the Government to:
continue to make diabetes a National Health Priority;
commission a Productivity Commission Report into the real and increasing cost of diabetes to the community;
adequately fund best practice medicine for the treatment of diabetes; and
continue to promote healthy lifestyle programs, especially targeted to children and young people.


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