House debates

Monday, 1 December 2008

Private Members’ Business

World AIDS Day

Debate resumed, on motion by Mr Danby:

That the House notes that:

1 December 2008 is the 20th anniversary of the first commemoration of World AIDS Day under the auspices of the United Nations;
the global HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to kill approximately three million people around the world every year, including approximately half a million children, and that approximately 33 million people are currently living with AIDS or HIV infection;
thanks to Australia’s early adoption of, and bipartisan support for proactive prevention programs over the past 25 years, Australia has a rate of HIV infection far lower than those of most comparable countries;
in Australia there are still over 900 new cases of AIDS notified each year, and that nearly 100 people a year are still dying of AIDS related illnesses each year;
the slogan adopted for World AIDS Day 2008 is ‘Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise-Leadership’, and congratulates all those in Australia, both in government and in the affected communities, who are showing leadership in prevention, treatment and care related to HIV/AIDS; and
the Australian Government remains committed to the current bipartisan National HIV/AIDS Strategy which began in 2005, and urges the Government to maintain its long term commitment to working with the affected communities to provide high quality prevention, treatment and care programs for all those affected by or at risk of HIV/AIDS.


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