House debates

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Constituency Statements

Paterson Electorate: Paterson Citizen of the Year Awards

9:35 am

Photo of Bob BaldwinBob Baldwin (Paterson, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Defence Science and Personnel) Share this | Hansard source

On 5 November Dr Brendan Nelson and I hosted the 2008 Paterson Citizen of the Year Awards. These awards recognise the outstanding contributions and achievements of the citizens of the Paterson electorate. The nominees were Jeanette Antrum, Lincoln Blissett, Patricia Burke, John Chapman, Michael Diamond, Eric and Laraine Dickson, Kathy Dowling from Lorn Gallery, Peter and Betty Economos, Deborah Gilbert, Joshua Gilbert, Anthony Harkin, Carolyn Harris, Justin Holland, Heather Kelly, Amanda Kennett, Gwendoline Neil, Kim Pemberton, Trevor Robards, Lieselotte Seadon-Hall, Robyn South, Betty Tooth, Raymond Tucker, Isaac Upton, William Waldock, Kurt Warden and Judith Wilkinson.

The winner of the 2008 Paterson Junior Sports Citizen Award is Lewis Dorney. Lewis is an exceptional horse rider, holding a swag of titles that make him the envy of other aspiring young riders. In 2006 Lewis was the ABCRA’s junior runner-up champion and he was junior champion rider in 2007. He won the junior rodeo’s highest point score at Wauchope earlier this year. The winner of the 2008 Paterson Sports Citizen Award is Fay Shacklock. Fay has committed over 27 years of her life to taekwondo. She also volunteered much of her personal time at her local PCYC and the Forster Neighbourhood Centre and assisted with the World Youth Olympics held in Sydney in 2007.

The winner of the 2008 Paterson Junior Citizen Award is Jade Alexander. Jade is an enthusiastic, diligent student and excellent role model. Jade has given many hours to help with school fundraising events, with $3,000 to be donated to local charities. The winner of the 2008 Paterson Corporate Citizen Award is Nelson Bay Golf Club. The club went to extraordinary efforts in raising over $130,000 for our local community, in particular raising over $30,000 for the Gibson-Tarrant families, which were touched by tragedy in a house fire which claimed the life of dear little Taya Gibson earlier this year.

The 2008 Paterson Citizen of the Year is Ron Pile. Ron is an inspirational volunteer and a true leader for the Bulahdelah Rural Fire Service. Ron was a founding member of the brigade when it started with no more than a lean-to shed. Ron has been on call for the Bulahdelah community 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for over 50 years. Ron has always put the community needs before himself.

A special mention must also go to an exceptional nominee, Myrtle Rissler, who is the tender age of 95 years. Myrtle has been volunteering at Raymond Terrace St Johns Church of England for over 60 years and has been a member of the Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Committee for over 20 years. Congratulations to all those nominees and winners. Your efforts are more than appreciated by the community of Paterson.


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