House debates

Monday, 13 October 2008

Private Members’ Business

Kokoda Track Campaign

Debate resumed, on motion by Mrs Moylan:

That the House:

recognises the importance of the Kokoda Track campaign in World War II in stopping the overland Japanese advance to Port Moresby, which would have given the enemy a beachhead into Australia;
acknowledges the courage, endurance, mateship and sacrifice demonstrated by the Australian Defence personnel during the Kokoda battles;
pays tribute to the contribution of Papua New Guinea (PNG) nationals, specifically the Koiari people affectionately known as “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels” in carrying supplies and equipment for Australian soldiers in the Kokoda campaign as well as the carriage of wounded to safety;
notes that the Kokoda battles were fought in PNG from July 1942 on Australian soil; and
in recognition of this contribution, urges the Australian Government to:
acknowledge the service of the PNG nationals affectionately known as “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels”;
direct the new Defence Awards and Honours Tribunal to promptly determine the most appropriate form of medal or recognition for the remaining “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels” or their surviving families;
consider any other appropriate initiatives including making a small ex-gratia payment to each “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel”, in recognition of their contribution over and above the call of duty; and
examine, and where appropriate fund initiatives to upgrade the health and education status of the PNG people in the isolated villages along the Kokoda Track.


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