House debates

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Constituency Statements

Bass Electorate: RSPCA

9:45 am

Photo of Jodie CampbellJodie Campbell (Bass, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

There are many worthy and extraordinary organisations across my electorate in Northern Tasmania, but I would like today to pay tribute to the caring, tireless and often distressing work of the RSPCA. Sadly, it seems, we are seeing an increase in the number of animal cruelty cases. I had the privilege during the winter recess of spending a day with the society’s inspectorate. It was a day about which I have often reflected. What I saw has stayed with me and made me appreciate more the role that the inspectors play in protecting animals. Much is made of the link between cruelty to animals perpetrated by children and violence towards people later in life. The role which the RSPCA plays in educating children from an early age to respect animals is absolutely vital work.

Heading the RSPCA in Tasmania is a remarkable man, Greg Treddinick. His story says much about the kind of people who dedicate their lives to caring for animals. I would like to congratulate him on his appointment as the society’s chief executive officer. It is due recognition of more than a decade of commitment to animals in Tasmania and to the RSPCA itself. Greg Treddinick joined the RSPCA as a volunteer, initially in Hobart and then in Launceston. In the days when each shelter was primarily run by the committee, he became president of the Launceston branch management committee. Outside the RSPCA he pursued his passion for animals, in particular in dog training and their behaviour. He eventually worked in animal management for the West Tamar Council.

In 2007 his role with the RSPCA changed from volunteer to chief inspector, and it was from this position that he applied for and was successful in becoming the society’s CEO. Animals across Tasmania have been and will continue to be well served by this caring, gentle and highly professional man. As Greg Treddinick demonstrated when he first joined the RSPCA, volunteers are vital to the protection of animals. I would like to pay tribute to all the volunteers who dedicate their time to hundreds of organisations across my electorate of Bass and, indeed, across the country. Communities simply cannot function without them.

One man who has given more than 10 years to the RSPCA is Hans Hermans. His initial experience with the society was a baptism of fire, involving a number of cruelly mistreated dogs. The memory of those rescued animals continues to inspire Mr Hermans. He has become a truly valued and indispensable member of the RSPCA’s dedicated team, providing many dogs with all the care, love and attention that he can.

He spends endless hours fundraising and working with volunteers, so it is fitting that he has been nominated for a Pride of Australia medal in the True Blue category. My time with the society, whilst it was very confronting, was insightful in the extreme and it has filled me with the greatest of admiration for the work of the RSPCA.


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