House debates

Monday, 26 May 2008

Private Members’ Business

Workplace Factors

Debate resumed, on motion by Mr Gibbons:

That the House:

notes the need for Australian businesses to be globally competitive in order to sustain economic prosperity after the current resources boom;
notes the alarming decline in Australia’s productivity and export performance over the last five years;
notes research findings that less than one in five Australian businesses is currently “world class”;
notes the Government’s election commitments and subsequent policy announcements about measures to improve national productivity including public investment in education, skills training and national infrastructure;
notes research findings that people management practices are the predominant factor affecting company productivity and performance;
notes research findings that indicate Australian managers are paying insufficient attention to workplace practices and employee satisfaction; and
supports the establishment of a National Commission for Workplace Innovation and Excellence that will, in conjunction with the business community, trade union movement, professional associations and education providers:
identify workplace factors that positively impact on workplace innovation, excellence and productivity including human resource management practices and organisational culture;
develop policies that promote workplace innovation, excellence and productivity including best practice models, codes of practice, awareness programs, business exchanges and awards; and
support research, management education and training in conjunction with higher education providers and professional associations. (Notice given 12 March 2008. Time allowed—30 minutes.)


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