House debates

Monday, 17 March 2008

Questions without Notice

Beijing AustChina Technology

2:38 pm

Photo of Kevin RuddKevin Rudd (Griffith, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I do not have the details of the trip to Sudan on me, but my recollection is that, through the High Commission in London, I sought assistance in obtaining a visa to visit Sudan. My reason for going to Sudan was to investigate circumstances in western Darfur. I then travelled to western Darfur. My reason for so doing was that the situation on the humanitarian front in western Darfur at the time was deteriorating grossly. At that time there was not a lot of evidence of activity on the part of the previous government on that. I went there with the single objective of trying to shine a light on that problem, and I did so. As a consequence, I had discussions with relevant representatives of the government in Khartoum and relevant Darfurian representatives, most particularly on the state of circumstances in western Darfur.


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