House debates

Thursday, 2 November 2006

Questions without Notice

Climate Change

2:06 pm

Photo of John HowardJohn Howard (Bennelong, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

Mr Speaker, let me say, through you, to the member for Melbourne Ports: yes, I have read that online poll—I think the member for Melbourne Ports understands the import of that adjective. I have read that online poll. Let me tell him and let me tell the Australian people: we listen to their views on this issue. We are aware of the need to take practical measures to address greenhouse gas emissions, but I say to them: we are not going to take measures that destroy the great comparative advantage that this country has, we are not going to be panicked into knee-jerk responses that will hobble great productive Australian industries with enormous costs that are not borne by their competitors overseas and we are not going to ratify a protocol which, in the words of a highly successful Labor minister, would do damage of an economic kind on an unprecedented scale to the great wealth-producing industries of this country.


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