House debates

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Questions to the Speaker

Standing Orders

3:08 pm

Photo of Lindsay TannerLindsay Tanner (Melbourne, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Finance) Share this | Hansard source

Mr Speaker, during question time you ruled out of order the following sentence in a question that the member for Griffith asked the Minister for Trade:

Does the minister accept any responsibility for this kick in the guts to Australia’s hard-working wheat farmers arising from the $300 million wheat for weapons scandal?

You ruled it out of order on the grounds that it was unnecessary. When asked, in a point of order, by the member for Grayndler on what standing order your relied, you then referred generally to standing order 100. Standing order 100 relates to statements of facts or names of persons, arguments, inferences, imputations, insults et cetera. I would like to ask, firstly, what in this sentence offended which particular subsection of standing order 100? Secondly, I would respectfully request in future, Mr Speaker, that when you are ruling sections of questions out of order you identify more precisely under which standing order they are ruled out of order.


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