House debates

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Questions without Notice

Workplace Relations

2:15 pm

Photo of John HowardJohn Howard (Bennelong, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The track record of accuracy of allegations made by the member for Perth regarding Work Choices is about one out of 10 since Work Choices was introduced—and that is being charitable. I do not intend to confirm or verify anything. If the member for Perth wants to send me the workplace agreement, I would be very happy to have a look at it. But let me remind the member for Perth that in the last almost six months that this legislation has been in operation every single one of his prophecies of gloom has been disproved. You said there would be mass sackings; there have been mass hirings. You said there would be mass strikes; there has been a record period between industrial disputes. You said wages were going to be cut; wages have continued to grow very strongly in real terms. If the member for Perth wants to get into a debate about which side of politics can better boost the pay packets of Australian workers, we will welcome it very warmly.


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