House debates

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Statements by Members

Investing in Our Schools Program; Wirreanda High School

9:39 am

Photo of Kym RichardsonKym Richardson (Kingston, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today to acknowledge an initiative of the Howard government which has provided untold benefits in my local community. The Howard government’s Investing in Our Schools program has picked up the baton where state Labor governments have failed our children. In the most recent round of funding, schools in my electorate of Kingston have received much needed funding for such things as carpeting, toilet upgrades, air-conditioning and the construction of shelters over play equipment to name just a few. As I have travelled around my electorate encouraging schools to apply for the funding and visiting completed projects, the appalling state of repair that some of these schools were in amazed me.

At a visit to the Aldinga Schools in my electorate some months ago, the state of a toilet block could not escape my attention. I was so appalled at what I saw to be an occupational health, safety and welfare issue—as well as a horrible environment for our children—that I wrote to the state Minister for Education and Children’s Services, the Hon. Jane Lomax-Smith. Unfortunately, I have yet to receive a response. It astounds me that while we are providing Investing in Our Schools funding for small capital works—something which should be undertaken by state governments—the state Labor governments are seizing the opportunity to let down, abandon and ignore our young people by requiring them to be educated in such appalling conditions. I wonder how state governments can honestly expect to bring out the best in our teachers and students when they provide such substandard facilities.

On a much more positive note, I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Wirreanda High School. This school recently, in conjunction with me, hosted a morning tea for the Prime Minister where he honoured and thanked local volunteers, service groups and in particular Meals on Wheels organisations to celebrate national Meals on Wheels day. The school choir sang the national anthem with pride and all of the students and teachers present were a credit to themselves, their families and their school. I was so very proud to have the Prime Minister of Australia in my electorate and visiting a local school full of young people with such potential. I would particularly like to thank and congratulate the principal of the school, Jenny Sommer, who worked tirelessly to make the event such a success, along with the grounds person, the parent governing chair, the staff and volunteers who assisted on the day and the home economics students who pitched in to help with catering. It was a wonderful community event simply to say thank you to so many volunteers, agencies and government and non-government organisations.


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