House debates

Monday, 11 September 2006

Local Government

Debate resumed from 6 September, on motion by Mr Lloyd:

That this House:

recognises that local government is part of the governance of Australia, serving communities through locally elected councils;
values the rich diversity of councils around Australia, reflecting the varied communities they serve;
acknowledges the role of local government in governance, advocacy, the provision of infrastructure, service delivery, planning, community development and regulation;
acknowledges the importance of cooperating with and consulting with local government on the priorities of their local communities;
acknowledges the significant Australian Government funding that is provided to local government to spend on locally determined priorities, such as roads and other local government services; and
commends local government elected officials who give their time to serve their communities—

upon which Mr Albanese moved by way of amendment:

That paragraph (1) be omitted and the following paragraph substituted:

“(1) supports a referendum to extend constitutional recognition to local government in recognition of the essential role it plays in the governance of Australia.”


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