House debates

Thursday, 16 February 2006

Personal Explanations

3:06 pm

Photo of Danna ValeDanna Vale (Hughes, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

In an article on page 4 of the St George & Sutherland Shire Leader of today’s date, allegations were made, which I will read into the Hansard:

Sutherland shire based New South Wales ALP Senator Michael Forshaw described Mrs Vale’s comments as disgraceful and offensive. ‘It is irresponsible and inflammatory conduct by a member of parliament to peddle these spurious, bigoted falsehoods, particularly given the racially motivated violence that occurred in Cronulla and other parts of Sydney last December.’

I totally deny and utterly reject the senator’s allegations against me. I have made no statements that could be described as ‘spurious, bigoted falsehoods’ or ‘disgraceful’ or ‘offensive’.


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