House debates

Thursday, 16 February 2006

Questions without Notice

Oil for Food Program

2:36 pm

Photo of John HowardJohn Howard (Bennelong, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I point out to the Leader of the Opposition that, as of now, as I understand it, there has not been evidence presented which directly contradicts the position taken by Mr Stewart—and he is yet to be given his opportunity. I would have thought that ordinary principles of justice entitle that man to be heard. I thought the Labor Party once stood for ordinary principles of justice. I thought the once-great Australian Labor Party believed in the Aussie fair go. I thought the idea was that you were innocent until you were proven guilty. But apparently the Labor Party does not believe in that.

I am following the evidence that is being presented to the Cole inquiry very closely, but I intend to withhold judgment until that very learned commissioner, widely respected in Australian legal and corporate circles, has brought down his conclusions. I would also remind the Leader of the Opposition that AWB Ltd is a public company. I would remind him that many of the shareholders of AWB Ltd are in fact Australian wheat growers. I would further remind him—


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