House debates

Thursday, 16 February 2006

Questions without Notice

Goods and Services Tax: States Funding

2:15 pm

Photo of Peter CostelloPeter Costello (Higgins, Liberal Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

He is in the anti member for Hotham cabal, in the pro-Conroy faction. I welcome the member for Hotham back today. I hope the doorknocking went very well! It is good to see you, and we hope to see you back here far more often! He is part of the Conroy-Marles-Shorten-Pakula disgusting factional group down there in Victoria and has moved across to South Australia, where he is running leaflets claiming that the federal government collects GST. I call on Premier Rann today to dissociate himself from Mr Feeney, to withdraw that leaflet, to apologise to all South Australians and to not go into an election on the basis of disgusting lies like that.

If Mr Rann, the Premier of South Australia, has a shred of honesty, he will have that leaflet withdrawn. I will make another offer. He could leave that leaflet out there and return $3,394 million to the Commonwealth government. We will give him the choice. He can keep the leaflet and send back $3,394 million or he can keep the $3,394 million and get rid of the leaflet. The choice is yours, Mr Rann. How about a bit of honesty in the South Australian elections?


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