House debates

Thursday, 16 February 2006

Questions without Notice

Oil for Food Program

2:07 pm

Photo of John HowardJohn Howard (Bennelong, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The answer to the question is no. The chain of events is very simple. Volcker carried out an investigation. He had the full cooperation of this government. Whether he had the full cooperation of other governments, or the full cooperation of AWB Ltd, is a matter for those respective parties to answer.

It is worth reminding the House that even Volcker said in his finding that there was no direct evidence that AWB Ltd knew of the kickbacks, rather that they should have known. There was no finding against the government—none at all. And not a skerrick of evidence has been produced by the Leader of the Opposition to justify the falsehood that he continues to assert in this parliament.

I invite the Leader of the Opposition to produce some evidence as distinct from just rhetorical assertions. They have spent a couple of weeks slurring the reputation of the Deputy Prime Minister. They have spent a couple of weeks slurring the reputations of senior public servants in the government. All the while, we have an inquiry going on in a manner transparent beyond, I believe, any other government’s investigation in the aftermath of the Volcker inquiry.

Australia alone has established an inquiry with the powers of a royal commission. No other government has been willing to do that. And as a result of that inquiry the blame will fall where it may. We have established an inquiry under the chairmanship of an outstanding Australian lawyer. He says clearly that he has ample powers to make findings of fact ‘in relation to the behaviour of the Commonwealth’. He does not say ‘the public servants’. He does not say ‘the WEA’. He says generically ‘the Commonwealth’. That includes everybody who is part of the Commonwealth. If he needs additional terms of reference, he will ask for them; and undoubtedly that request will be met.

In the light of all of that, this is an attempt by the Leader of the Opposition to mislead the Australian people, to assert falsely that there were 10, 12, 13—what will it be at the weekend: 20?—warnings given to the Australian government. In reality those assertions are falsehoods. I reject them on my own behalf and I reject them on behalf of my government.


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