House debates

Thursday, 9 February 2006


Deakin Electorate: Australia Day Awards

4:45 pm

Photo of Phillip BarresiPhillip Barresi (Deakin, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

During the summer break from parliament many of us went back to our electorates and took the time to reconnect with our family, friends, the electorate and in most cases took what some of us believe was a well earned break. But while we were doing this, a number of Australians were once again dropping all personal and work commitments to fight bushfires, risking life, saving lives and delivering welfare support to the needy and disadvantaged in our community. Essentially, thousands of Australians were doing what they do best: volunteering their services for the benefit of our community.

It is because of these people and tens of thousands of others like them that nine years ago I introduced the Deakin Community Australia Day Awards—awards which seek to acknowledge the hardest working volunteers and community leaders in my electorate. On 25 January, as part of the Australia Day celebrations—I always do it a day early so they can enjoy the Australia Day activities the next day—I got another chance to pay my respects to some of these unsung heroes and to thank them for really making a difference to the lives of others. These heroes would otherwise be ignored through the regular Australia Day honours or through the local council’s often very selective acknowledgment of local heroes. The Deakin Community Australia Day Awards go some way to recognising the great efforts of these unsung heroes, without whom this country and the community of Deakin would be a mere shadow of what it is today.

The people we honoured that day came from a diverse range of backgrounds and ages. Yet they each share the same values of compassion, hard work and a tireless attitude for community involvement. They were people such as Victoria Lopez, a promising 20-year-old who has started her own group in eastern Melbourne called Hearts4Christ which engages in many social activities aimed at teaching valuable life skills for young people aged between 13 and 18, and hardworking community group leaders such as Marymae Trench who, during her years with the Reach Out for Kids program, has sought to expand and improve the standard of free services for Melbourne’s youth. I am pleased and honoured to be a member of the committee of management of Reach Out for Kids.

Then there are those, such as Angela Fitzpatrick, who struggle themselves and still find time to help others. Angela struggles daily with the rigours of multiple sclerosis, yet she is able to find the courage to assist other people gain access to local medical and care services to overcome their own disadvantage. Margaret Priestly is a great community volunteer who works for the Koonung cottage in my electorate. She has been instrumental in providing support services for families with children and been a rock of support to many in need. There is long-time resident Terry McDonald, with ongoing leadership roles in charitable organisations in Deakin and in surrounding Melbourne, from Reach Out for Kids to the Lord Mayor’s charitable trust.

This is only a sample of the 34 recipients I was honoured to meet and acknowledge that day—34 heroes in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne who, as I said, would otherwise not be recognised for their great deeds. The Deakin Community Australia Day Award winners know what strong communities mean and how to make them stronger. They are the backbone of the area, acting as a rock of support. And they are often the first to lend a helping hand to those in need.

The Deakin Community Australia Day Awards are, as I say each year, not meant to be rewards for their work but simply an acknowledgment of their service and an opportunity for me as their representative to say thank you. In most cases, they are very reluctant recipients of the awards because, as they say, they do not do it for the reward; they do it for the love of it and for the altruistic values which they uphold. I started these awards to bring attention to the often thankless tasks of these people. I know that through their efforts they inspire others. Our children need inspiration. They need role models and mentors. They need people to look up to, and these award winners, more often than not, come from their own backyard—perhaps their mum, their dad, their uncle, their neighbour—rather than some hero that they see on the television. It was a great honour to meet these people and to give them their awards. I seek permission to incorporate into Hansard a table of the recipients and the deeds and activities for which they were honoured. (Time expired)

Leave granted.

The table read as follows—




Reason for Award

Edward Arrowsmith


Halliday Pk Cttee.

President for 3 yrs, and continues to maintenance gardens

Valda Atkinson


Balmoral H/land Dancers

Founder and Cttee mbr 50 yrs, encourages social interaction and travels widely with group

Mavis Barkas


Ringwood Sen. Citz.

Pres. R/wood Sen. Citz. For 4 yrs provides social outlet for single aged people, also involved with Salvo’s shop

Jannine Berryman


Dom. Violence Supp. Ctr

Provides, support care and safety for battered wives in Eastern Melbourne. Has helped over 3000 people over the yrs.

Nan Brache

Ringwood Nth

Ringwood War Widows

Assists other single older people interact through groups, and contributes to local radio through her poetry readings.

Kerry Cardwell

Forest Hill

Maroondah Guide Ldr

Been active Guides mbr and leader for over 27yrs. Helps girls aged 11-15 develop useful skills.

Patrick Dunlevie


Ringwood RSL

Former Pensions officer, looked after the welfare of mbrs and their families

Angela Fitzpatrick



Battles with MS and contributes long hours to helping people gain access to local health services.

Paula Greeves


B/burn Nth bowls Club

Fmr Pres. And current Secretary, helped raise funds & coordinated events

Marshall Hardwick

Ringwood Nth

Maroondah Scout Ldr

District Ldr and coordinated Cuboree for 2005

Anthony Hodges

Wheelers Hill

Maroondah Symphony Orchestra

Current Pres, helps select talented students for most of Australia for places at Trinity College London Music School

David Ingamells


Heathmont Uniting Church

Mbr of Church community for 50 yrs, organist for 36yrs. Organised travel groups for underprivileged mbrs of community

Elwynne Kift



Co-Chairperson of action group actively defends the interests of local residents.

Alan Lodge


B/Burn Creeklands

Started a bicentennial planting project in Blackburn to promote the growth of native plants.

Victoria Lopez


Maroondah Yth Grps

Founder and chair of Hearts 4 Christ an outer eastern youth group, is only 20yo.

Terry MacDonald



Fmr Pres. And mbr for over 10 yrs, actively support local charities and supports groups in leadership roles.

Wendy Macklin


Disabled Guides Maroondah

Specialist scout leader for a grp with disabilities organises social events aimed at improving awareness of people with disabilities

Pat McCully


Maroondah Guides

Grp ldr for past 23 yrs, co-ordinated workshops on leadership and is enthusiastic about giving young girls usable skills.

Betty McDonald


H/Mont Scouts

Contributions to local church groups for nearly 40 yrs, taught Sunday schools and worked in charity shops

Mimma Mafrici

Nth Ringwood

Maroondah Italian Citz

Secretary of Maroondah Italian Citz assoc. Helps local Italian resident integrate more fully and offers a translation service.

Karen Milward

Doncaster East

East. Reg. Indigenous Support

Assists indigenous people to access essential services in Eastern Melbourne.

Margaret Priestley


Koonung Cottage

Voluntary and leadership role at Koonung Cottage, for 10 yrs, helped set up support services.

Julie Roberts


Louise Multicultural Ctr.

22 yrs as a volunteer, lifetime mbr, helped people integrate and access language services.

Ray Smith

Forest Hill

Rotary F. Hill

Fmr School Principal, was fundraising mngr for Rotary and raised funds for services.

Nigel Steadman

Doncaster East

Whitehorse Scouts

District Commissioner W/Horse scouts

Lauris Stirling


Ringwood Scouts Grp

Cub Scout leader for 13 yrs, organised 40 th anniversary celebrations

Doug Terrill


Various Sports groups

Leadership role and commitment to local sports, netball and tennis

Sarah Thurlow

Ferntree Gully

Maroondah Guides

Group Ldr and organises leadership forums to promote community involvement.

Marymae Trench



Pres. ROK for past 2 yrs, and heads up fundraising to fund services for youth

Bruce Venville


Whitehorse Scouts

District Scout Ldr Whitehorse & assisted East. Volunteer Network

John Vickers


Rotary Nunawading

Mbr for 27 yrs, set up vocational service cttees and was f/raising coordinator.

Robin Watterson


Ringwood RSL

Bar Mgr R/Wood RSL many yrs, bought back ode to ANZACS

Athol Wells


B/Burn RSL

8 yrs as pres. And committee mbr, also a leading mbr of Probus club

Dorothy Whitehead


R/wood RSL War Widows

Ldr of War Widows support network, organises social activities


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